How do I make time to study for the FE exam?

Creating a schedule that allows time to study for your FE exam, work full-time, and still be with your family and friends is possible. Follow the three guidelines below to build your schedule and discover how to study less, learn more, and pass your FE faster.
#1: Ask for Help
Don’t be afraid to ask the people around you for help.
The FE covers everything an engineer is expected to know, so it’s no surprise that it will be difficult and challenging. So don’t hesitate to ask the people closest to you for a little extra help during your journey!
Explain to your family, friends, and boss that studying for the FE will be temporary but emphasize that it will be crucial for your career.
While studying for his FE, Anthony, an enGENIEer student, asked his wife and boss for help. His wife was extremely understanding and helped him by looking after their kids more, and his boss was also supportive and more lenient.
I know some of you are nervous about the possible pressure of telling your boss about taking the FE. If you fail, what will you tell them? My recommendation is to let them know you’re studying without telling them exactly when you’ll be taking it. This way, if you don’t pass, you don’t have to tell anyone if you don’t want to!
#2: Determine How Many Hours to Study for your FE
Before you can find time in your schedule to study, you must first know how much time you will actually need to study for your FE exam.
Without knowing how much time you need to prepare for your FE, it’s impossible to figure out where to fit that into your schedule, and you’ll end up paralyzed.
“Without knowing how much time you actually need to study, it is impossible to figure out where to fit that into your schedule.”
Kenza Nelson Tweet
Of course, students often think that they need to study 4 or more hours a day. The truth is, you don’t. enGENIEer students spend only 1-2 hours on weekdays, and 4-5 hours on Saturday & Sunday. So having the exact material you need to pass your FE will save you many hours of searching and stop wasting time studying outdated (and wrong) material.
Once you figure out how much time you want to spend each week, you can start creating a realistic study schedule.
Start building your FE Study Plan today.
#3: Time Blocking
Time Blocking is when you block time for tasks or activities on your calendar. If you want to be more intentional about your time, time blocking is for you!
Time Blocks are great for showing where your time is being used and where it is being wasted. For example, a three-hour block every day doing chores is probably not helping you study for the FE. If this is you, now is a great time to ask your family for help.

Time Blocking protects your time. Instead of wondering, “What should I be doing today at 6 p.m.?” One look at your time block calendar tells you exactly what you should be doing. If someone invites you out, politely respond with, “Sorry, I’ll be studying then.” If you don’t protect your time, no one will!
If you don't protect your time, no one will!
Kenza Nelson Tweet
My favorite part about Time Blocking is that it removes the need for decision-making and willpower. But, unfortunately, relying on willpower alone will not get you on track to study. Willpower is like a battery, and after a long day filled with decisions, it’ll be empty! So remove willpower from the equation altogether — if it’s on your time block calendar, you do it, no decisions are needed.
Get yourself ready to study for the FE exam and pass faster!
Studying for your FE exam is a short but critical time in your life. Take the steps upfront to make sure you have support, know how much to study, are aware of your time commitments, and protect the time you have so that you can maintain a study/life balance.
If you’ve been studying without a plan, sign up for our Free MasterClass, download your study plan, and create a plan that will keep you on track to pass your FE exam.
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