FE Mechanical Success Story: She passed on her 3rd Attempt, 11 Years After Graduation!

By Genie Prep Team

Passing the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam is a major milestone for many aspiring engineers. However, for Rashmi, a mechanical engineer and a mother balancing work and family life, this journey was more than just about passing a test—it was about perseverance, time management, and focused efforts.

In this interview, Rashmi shares how she overcame failures, developed an effective study routine, and ultimately passed the FE exam after multiple attempts.

What Kind of Student Were You in College?

Rashmi graduated with a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Pune, India, in 2013. She was among the top five students in a class of 80, excelling in subjects like HVAC and heat transfer. However, she acknowledges that she struggled with certain topics due to a lack of mentorship.

“At the end when I graduated, I was in the top five in a class of 80 students. I was very good with HVAC, heat transfer, all these concepts. However, I did lack a little on the statics and dynamics side because I didn’t have good tutoring or mentoring at that time.”

Despite these challenges, Rashmi was determined to advance her education and career.

Why Did You Move to the US?

In 2017, Rashmi moved to the United States to pursue her master’s degree at the University of Cincinnati. While the coursework itself wasn’t difficult, adapting to life in a new country posed unexpected challenges.

“Initially, it was hard for me to adjust because this was the first time I was away from home. I had to manage my on-campus job, my studies, my cooking—everything by myself.”

Even though she faced initial struggles, Rashmi completed her master’s with a strong GPA and went on to establish herself in the engineering field.

When Did You First Hear About the FE Exam?

Despite her strong academic background, Rashmi did not initially prioritize the FE exam. She first learned about it in 2019 when her roommate, an environmental engineer, was preparing for it. However, since her job did not immediately require an FE license, she delayed taking it.

It wasn’t until March 2021 that she attempted the FE for the first time. Unfortunately, she failed. She took it again in October 2021 and failed a second time. It wasn’t until November 2024 that she successfully passed.

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How Did You Feel After Failing the FE Exam?

Rashmi, who had always excelled in school, found it difficult to cope with failure. However, she quickly realized that passing the FE exam wasn’t just about intelligence—it required the right strategy, time management, and familiarity with the reference handbook.

“The first time I took the exam, I studied for two months, but the syllabus is so vast. I was not able to figure out or get familiarized with the handbook. When I had questions in the exam, I struggled to find the information.”

“It’s not about intelligence. It’s about practice and time management.”

She also attributes her second failure to work distractions and the lack of a structured study plan.

“The second time I took it, I failed because of my office schedule. I did not progress with what I studied before. I needed more preparation, more time, and a structured way to study.”

How Did You Finally Pass the FE Exam?

By 2024, Rashmi knew she had to pass the exam. She had already been working in the MEP industry for four years, and many of her peers were moving on to take the Professional Engineer (PE) exam.

“This time, it was do-or-die for me. I told myself, ‘Come on, people are becoming PEs in four years, and I’m still struggling with my FE. I need to do this!’”

Her Study Routine:

To ensure success, Rashmi completely restructured her study plan:

  • 4 months Study Plan
  • 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM: Study in the morning before work
  • 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Work
  • 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM: Study again in the evening
  • Weekends: 6-7 hours of studying on both Saturday & Sunday

She also switched to the TI-36X Pro calculator, which significantly improved her speed on the exam.

“The calculator made a huge difference. Some questions that used to take me 4-7 minutes now took just 30 seconds. That saved me a lot of time!”

How Did You Manage Studying While Being a Mom?

Balancing work, family, and study time was one of the biggest challenges Rashmi faced.

“It was challenging being a mother, going to work, and not seeing my daughter for 15 hours straight. She was going through all her milestones, and I was missing them.”

Thankfully, she had a strong support system. Her husband, in-laws, and extended family helped care for her daughter while she focused on her studies.

“I told my family, ‘I need your help.’ And they supported me. My in-laws took care of my daughter. My husband brought food to my desk so I could keep studying. It wasn’t just me—I had a whole team behind me.”

What Study Materials Did You Use?

Rashmi initially used the Michael Lindeburg FE Handbook and other resources but found them overwhelming. She wanted a structured, ready-made study plan, which led her to Genie Prep’s FE Mechanical Course.

“For me, I wanted something that is ready-made. This is what you need to study, this is what you need to prepare, and move on.”

She also used mock exams and practice problems from NCES and Amazon problem sets to sharpen her skills.

How Did You Feel When You Passed the FE Exam?

After weeks of anticipation, Rashmi logged into her NCES account—and there it was:

FE Mechanical: PASSED

“I was shivering. I hugged my friends. I told my manager. I called my parents. I ran to a sweet shop, bought sweets, and gave them to my in-laws. My father-in-law even had a tear in his eye. It was an incredible moment.”

“To come to that screen that says ‘PASS’—it was the best feeling in the world.”

Rashmi’s Top 3 Tips for FE Exam Success

  1. Focused Efforts:

    “It’s not just about studying; it’s about studying the right topics and practicing the right way.”

  2. Have a Strict Study Schedule:

    “If you cheat on your schedule, your schedule will cheat on you!”

  3. Take the Exam as Soon as Possible:

    “The earlier you take it, the better. Don’t delay—it only gets harder with time.”

What’s Next for Rashmi?

Now that she has passed the FE exam, Rashmi is setting her sights on the PE (Professional Engineer) Exam in HVAC and refrigeration.

“My goal for 2024 was to pass the FE, and I did it. Now, my goal for 2025 is to pass the PE. I don’t want to waste any more time!”

Her story is a testament to perseverance, discipline, and the power of a strong support system.

If you’re preparing for the FE exam, take inspiration from Rashmi’s journey. Stay consistent, find the right resources, and never give up!

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