8 Study-Changing Questions to Help you Pass the FE Faster

Pass the FE Faster

When you study for your NCEES FE exam, getting the resources that help you prepare, learn, and progress is what you need to pass faster.

At enGENIEer, we have talked to hundreds of engineers who have studied for their FE Exams. We have found one clear problem stopping engineers from getting their EIT and excelling in their careers.

They are using resources that slow them down.

But how do you know if your resources are helping your progress or keeping you stuck?

Ask yourself these 8 questions to find out.


FE Study Resources Checklist to determine if you're on the right track to passing faster.

If you answered YES to 5 or more of these questions, then keep going; you’re probably on the right track. Your study material is helping you learn what you need to pass the FE Exam.

If you answered NO to 5 or more, you have to stop using those resources and find something else. You are wasting time and money that you could spend advancing in your engineering career.

Don’t stay on a path that is leading you to nowhere. It’s a trap that many people fall into, and that’s what’s stopping people from passing their FE faster.

This path might be comfortable and easy. But we’re here to tell you that comfortable and easy will not help you pass your FE. Make sure you are being challenged and studying what is on your EIT Exam.

If you want to know more, make sure to watch the video at the top of the page where I share a story about a student who spent thousands on FE resources only to fail. Also, check out my YouTube channel for more FE Exam test videos, tips, and study tricks.

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