5 Steps to Stay Motivated and Pass the FE in 2022

Showing up and starting to study for the FE Exam is half the battle. And I know that it’s not easy to show up consistently. So, I’ve compiled a list of the five proven steps to create lasting motivation.
First, let’s look at what makes lasting motivation. It comes from action, progress, confidence, and success.

Last year I talked to Tony, and he had all the motivation to go to work and work out every day, but none to study. Why is that? He was ready to advance in his career; he had all the desire to get his EIT Certification but struggled to show up to study.
It’s because motivation comes from success. So, when we succeed, we feel motivated to continue! But, the problem is that motivation is a short-term feeling. It’s like a sugar rush. And if we define success as too big, we end up feeling paralyzed.
And when Tony defined success as passing the FE, it stopped him from even starting.
So, how do you shift your mindset to begin to show up for yourself every day? So you can pass the FE and get your dream job? Follow these five steps that you can take right now to create lasting motivation and study for your FE Exam.
Redefine Success
The first thing to do is redefine what it means to you to be successful on this FE journey. If you are telling yourself the only way to be successful is to pass the FE, the goal will feel too far away, too large, and impossible.
How would it feel to define success as watching one video? Or attempting one problem? Or studying only 10 minutes today?
Feels doable, right? Because the easier the task is to do, the more likely you will show up and complete it.
How can you redefine what success means daily?
Build a Habit
Start building habits, but start small. For example, If success means studying for 1 hour, but that feels impossible, make the goal smaller. Make the goal 15 minutes. Anything beyond that is bonus points. And then do that until it becomes easier to show up.
This new study habit will be the key to building your momentum, your wins which will boost your confidence.
Celebrate Small Successes
t’s not something we are taught or often believe, but celebrating small successes is essential to making progress. If you show up every day, finish one problem, or complete a section, you need to acknowledge your efforts.
That can look like giving yourself a high five, treating yourself to a piece of chocolate, or even taking a night off and talking with friends.
If you skip this step, you will lose awareness of how much progress you are actually making, and you will lose motivation. Every day you show up and try, you are getting one step closer to your goal.
Just like you taking the time today to think about your FE journey and trying these steps, you should celebrate that!
Follow a Plan
Now it is time to build your study plan. Your plan needs to include details on your study spot, materials you need, hours to study, and practice exams to check your progress.
Many students make a 3-4 month plan that includes studying every day for 1 hour during the week and 5-6 hours on the weekend.
If you are ready to build your study plan, you can download our FE Study Plan here.
Get Resources
Finally, I want you to gather all the study material that will help you learn. Some students prefer to do this independently and take the time to search for problems to solve and sections to cover. This can take more time since you will need to do some research and learn on your own.
But if you want to pass faster, maybe in 3-4 months, look into a course. Find a fe prep course that will teach you all the problems and concepts you need to know for your FE exam. And in a teaching style that resonates with you.
These five proven steps to creating lasting motivation will help you show up to study for your FE every day. Take the time to prepare yourself, and you will leave the rest of your time to learn and understand the material. Together, this will help you pass the FE faster!
If you want to know more, make sure to watch the video at the top of the page where I talk more in-depth about those helpful techniques to manage test anxiety. Also, check out my YouTube channel for more FE Exam test videos, tips, and study tricks.
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